Two Mysteries Packed with Twists and Turns!
Two Mysteries Packed with Twists and Turns!
1. What are the differences between a mother/daughter relationship and a relationship with a good friend?
2. When one parent dies, how does this affect the communication between the other parent and the child? In the case of a parent and adult child, do they change roles?
3. What are your thoughts on what the after-life is like?
4. Describe any dream you can remember. Can you relate its content to your present-day life?
5. Do you believe Audrey’s reasons for having no contact with her mother for 15 years were justified?
6. How does a father/daughter relationship differ from a mother/daughter one?
7. Deliberate the pros and cons of life for a senior citizen in an elder care center.
8. How would Audrey’s life turn out differently if she had a good relationship with her mother? Discuss all the people in Audrey’s life this would involve.
9. Discuss the personalities of Robert, Tricia, Audrey, and Lincoln. What were their outlooks on life and living? What shaped their attitudes?
10. What would be your advice to someone who has experienced a tragedy in their life?
11. Audrey decides to bury Tricia and Lincoln’s urns next to Robert’s buried urn. Do you agree with her?
12. Would you have the nerve to pursue a dream you had?
1. With the characters in Dreams Worth Believing speaking on their own in this book, is there one character who you identify with, or know someone like them? Discuss the personality traits of a particular character, perhaps your favorite person in the book.
2. Audrey felt strongly about her dream, vision, etc. between herself and her dead father, Robert, in regards to Tom being alive. If a friend told you about a similar circumstance happening to them, what would you advise them to do?
3. Lydia and Audrey have a good relationship. What do you think makes a good relationship between a mother and daughter?
4. Audrey and Lydia experience a lot of different happenings in this book. What was one of your favorite or memorable moments?
5. When the true motives or identities of characters in the book are revealed, were you surprised? What shocked you the most? What character did you suspect from the very beginning? Why?
6. How would you describe Audrey’s love for Tom? Would you go on this adventure to search for the one you love?
7. Lydia is a strong, independent adult who has been on many adventures while living on her own. How have her travels made her the person she is today?
8. The Sylvaner is the main set location in this book. How did you envision it looking? Have you ever stayed at a place like the Sylvaner?
9. Have you ever had to clean out a home that belonged to your parents or friends? What emotions did you feel? Did you find anything surprising?
10. When you were young did you experience the death of a sibling, parent, or good friend? Who and/or what helped you deal with your feelings of intense grief?